--- Recomendations --- By Me (JON)
Non-Required Merit Badges (Jon)
#1 Auto Mechanics
Since you'll be driving the rest of your
life it is information you need to save
money and know exactly what's wrong
when your vehicle/chevy vehicle
breaks down on the side of the road.
#2 Home Repairs
Since you'll most likly be the
"man of the house" you need to know basic
skills to fix "your house" without having an
expensive mr.fixit come in and charge
way to much!
#3 Weather
It was interesting and I learned alot of
info that I didn't know. some of the info
I'am just learning now in my
college classes.
Required MBs that I recommend!
#1 First Aid
Pay attention in First Aid this is info
that you'll need to know for the rest of
your life especially if you're going into
really any human service job or
health job.
#2 Citizen MBs
All citizen MBs teach alot of info
that schools teach, and also it's good
to know how "your own" government is
being ran.
#3 All Required MBs
All of the required MBs teach alot of
info that will help you through your
whole life.
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