About Boy Scout Troop 426 Manchester Michigan

Adult / Parent INFO
Upcoming Events!
Lost Lake Scout Reservation
High Adventure
Merit Badge INFO
Troop Background Troop Eagle Scouts
Web Links
Adult / Parent INFO
Contact Us / Guest Book

--- Adults / Parents Information
---Recharter, Summer camp, Payments, and other Info

 Scout Parents
Important Information:
--- Please we need more adult help and support at breakfasts and meeting.


New Scout Parents

New Scouts Crossing-over


  • Cost:  $1.00 transfer fee
  • Troop makes the red epaulets
  • Troop buys scout handbooks & then sells them for $8.00, after the  Cross-Over
  • Class B  T-Shirts are $7.50
  • Each scout will have their own scout account.  They can earn money for summer camp, meals at campouts or anything related to scouts.  They earn their money by working at our monthly breakfast (every 3rd Sunday – 6:30 – 1:30) and at the Chicken Broil for $2.00 an hour.
  • a binder to keep your stuff in - $5.00  Includes: divider tabs, merit badge card holder (plastic sheet), troop roster & addresses with email address.